1989 - Domestic Cats Postal Stationary |
SUN19890000 PSE 0_05 89133
Printer's no. 89133
Printed 20.02.89
Issue date: ??? 1989 |
Back |
Uprated to Estonian
postal stationary 1991
Rectangular handstamp
in violet
Inland postage rate from
1 July 1991
Uprated to Estonian
postal stationary 1991
Octagonal machine stamp
in red (Tartu)
Inland postage rate from
1 July 1991
SUN19890000 PSE 0_05 89169
Printer's no. 89169
Printed 20.02.89
Back |
Used in Russia 1993
Provsional pre-stamped
envelope, re-franked with
post office handstamp in
CIS postage from 23 June
1993, addressed to

November 1989 - New Year Cards |
SUN19891100 PC 0_04 2288
Cartoon cat
Printer's no. 1989.3.2288
Printed 14.12.88
Issue date: ?? Nov. 1989 |
Address side |
Used in Ukraine 1993
Overprinted with hand-
stamp for registered
postage in Melitopol

1990 - Circus |
Cartoon Cat and Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
Issued: ???? 1990 |
Back |
Used in Belarus 1992
With provisional
handstamps marked
"Поцта СССР" from
Inland postage 30.11.92 -
Used in Belarus 1992
With mix of provisional
hand stamps marked
"Поцта СССР" from
Гродно/Grodno and
(still valid) Soviet stamps
Inland postage 30.11.92 -

1991 - Pedigree Cats |
SUN19910000 ENV PER 1
Smoke Persian
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991 |
Back, version A |
Back, version B |
Used in Belarus 1992
Franked with a mix of
provisional post office
handstamp, (still valid)
Soviet stamp, and a
Belarus stamp.
Registered letter from
Minsk, addressed to
Used in Belarus 1993
With PO desk meter
frank from Мар'іна
Горка/Maryina Horka.
Inland postage
Used in Belarus 1993
With provisional "stamp"
Inland postage
Used in Estonia 1996
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage
Used in Ukraine 1993
Franked with overprinted
Soviet stamp
Registered letter from
Chernihiv, addressed to
Gatchina in Russia
Used in Ukraine 1997
Franked with Ukrainian
Inland postage
SUN19910000 ENV PER 2
Red Persian
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991
Order no. 132650 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details with sales price
21 kop. |
Back, version B
Unevenly centered print
details without sales price  |
Used in Latvia 1993
On postal service
Used in Russia 1996
Franked with Russian
Inland rate
Used in Ukraine 1992
Provisional pre-franked
envelope, franked with
rectangular handstamp in
International rate,
adressed to Belgium
Used in Ukraine 1993
Franked with Ukrainian
Inland letter
SUN19910000 ENV PER 3
Tortie Persian
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details with sales price
21 kop. |
Back, version B
Unevenly centered print
details without sales price |
Used in Belarus 1992
Franked with a mix of
provisional post office
handstamp, (still valid)
Soviet stamp, and a
Belarus stamp.
Registered letter from
Minsk, addressed to
Used in Russia 1992
franked with (still valid)
Soviet stamps
Addressed to France
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, franked by
meter frank (marked
'СССР'), reportedly at the
service PO at the House of
Deputies in Stavropol.
If you know if this was
indeed done by a post office,
please let us
Inland letter, posted
to Zheleznovodsk. We do
not find a corresponding
rate to the franking. Could
it be an NGO-rate? If you
have further information,
please share.
Used in Russia 1994
Franked with Russian
Used in Ukraine 199?
Franked with Ukrainian
SUN19910000 ENV PER 4
Cream Persian
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991
Order no. 13ß2560 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details with sales price
21 kop. |
Back, version B
Unevenly centered print
details (4 lines) without
sales price |
Used in the Soviet period
Addressed to Romania
Used in Belarus 1992
Franked with a mix of
provisional post office
handstamp, (still valid)
Soviet stamp, and a
Belarus stamp.
Registered letter from
Minsk, addressed to
Used in Belarus 1993
Franked with provisional
post office handstamp
Registered letter from
Vitebsk, addressed to
Used in Russia 1992
Soviet stamp overprinted
St. Petersburg
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, franked by
meter frank (marked
'СССР'), reportedly at the
service PO at the House of
Deputies in Stavropol.
If you know if this was
indeed done by a post office,
please let us
Inland letter rate from 1 February 1992, posted
to Zheleznovodsk.
Used in Russia 1993
Franked with Russian
Inland letter rate
Used in Russia 1994
Military concession |
Used in Russia 1995
Franked with meter frank
Used in Russia 1995
Franked with Russian
International air-mail
rate, addressed to
SUN19910000 ENV PER 5
Chinchilla Persian
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991
Order no. 132650 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details (4 lines) with sales
price 21 kop. |
Back, Version B
Unevenly centred print
details (4 lines) without
sales price |
Used in The Soviet
period in 1991
Addressed to Germany |
Used in Estonia 1993
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage |
Used in Russia 1994
Franked with Russian
Addressed to Belgium |
SUN19910000 ENV TUA Turkish Angora
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991
Order no. 132650 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details (4 lines) with sales
price 21 kop. (packs of 10) |
Back, version B
Evenly centered print
details (3 lines) with sales
price 1 kop. (singles) |
Used in Soviet period
Addressed to Germany
Used in Estonia 1992
Franked with 'Taxe
perçue' handstamp at
Tartu Post Office. Rate
added in handwriting
Inland postage from
15 January 1992
Used in Estonia 1997
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage
Used in Kazakhstan 1992
Franked with over-
printed Soviet stamps
Addressed to France
Used in Russia 1993
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, franked by
meter frank (marked
'СССР'), reportedly at the
service PO at the House of
Deputies in Stavropol.
If you know if this was
indeed done by a post office,
please let us
Inland letter rate from 1 February 1992, posted
to Zheleznovodsk.
Used in Russia 1997
Military concession, posted from Kaspiysk to
local address
Used in Ukraine 1993
Franked with overprinted
Soviet stamp and post
office handstamp
Registered letter from
Chernihiv. addressed to
Gatchina in Russia
Used in Ukraine
Franked with meter frank
Inland postage
SUN19910000 ENV BRI
British Shorthair
Printer's no. 3.132650
Order no.
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details (4 lines) with sales
price 21 kop. |
Back, version B
Unevenly centred print
details (4 lines) without
sales price |
Used in Belarus 1991
Franked with a mix of
provisional handstamp
and (still valid) Soviet
Registered CIS postage
Used in Belarus 1992
Franked with a mix of
provisional post office
handstamp and a
Belarus stamp.
Registered letter from
Minsk, addressed to
Used in Estonia 1992
Provisional postal
Inland postage (P.P.E.) |
Used in Estonia 1993
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, up-franked
with a (still valid) Soviet
stamp and a provisional
handstamped "stamp"
Inland postage
Used in Russia 1993
Franked with Russian
Inland postage
Used in Russia 1993
Provisional pre-franked
envelope franked with a
provisional stamp
Inland postage from
26 April 1993
Used in Russia 1993
Provisional pre-franked
registered envelope
franked with a
provisional stamp
Inland registered postage
26 April 1993
Used in Russia 1993
Pre-franked by Russian
Post in Zheleznovodsk,
stamped "Оплачено
тарифом - МС России"
['Tariff paid - Russian
MS' (Ministry of
Inland postage
Used in Russia 1994
Provisional pre-franked
envelope franked with a
provisional stamp
Inland postage
SUN19910000 ENV EUR
European Shorthair
Order no. 3.132650
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991 |
No scan yet, if you have a scan of a mint copy, please send it to us. |
Back, version A
Evenly centered printer's
details with sales price
1 kop.
Back, version B
Unevenly centered
printer's details (4 lines)
without sales price |
Used in the Soviet period
Franked with stamp
Adressed to China
Used in Azerbaijan 1992
Franked with Azeri
radio revenue stamps
Adressed to Ukraine
Used in Belarus 1992
Franked with a mix of
provisional post office
handstamp, a (still valid) Soviet stamp, and a
Belarus stamp.
Registered letter from
Minsk, addressed to
Used in Estonia 1992
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage.
Used in Estonia 1992
Provisional postal
Inland postage (P.P.E.) |
Used in Russia 1992
Franked with (still valid)
Soviet stamp
Inland postage |
Used in Ukraine 1993
Franked with a mix of
provisional stamps and
ordinary Ukrainian
Inland postage from
10 September 1993 |
SUN19910000 ENV BAL
Order no. 3.132650
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991 |
No scan yet, if you have a scan of a mint copy, please send it to us. |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details (4 lines) with sales
price 21 kop. (packs of 10) |
Back, version B
Evenly centered print
details (3 lines) with sales
price 1 kop. (singles) |
Back, version C
Unevenly centered print
details (4 lines) without
sales price |
Used in Belarus 1993
Mixed franking
CIS postage (addressed to
Used in Estonia 1992
Provisional postal
Inland postage (P.P.E.) |
Used in Estonia 1992
Franked by Estonian
Inland postage (P.P.E.) |
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, machine
franked at PO counter
CIS postage (addressed to
Estonia) |
Used in Russia 1993
Franked with (still valid)
Soviet stamps and an over-
printed stamp for Barnaul
Inland postage
Used in Russia 1993
Pre-franked by Russian
Post in Zheleznovodsk,
stamped "Оплачено
тарифом - МС России"
['Tariff paid - Russian
MS' (Ministry of
Inland postage
Used in Russia 1993
Pre-franked by Russian
Post in Zheleznovodsk,
stamped "Оплачено
тарифом - МС России"
['Tariff paid - Russian
MS' (Ministry of
Communication)], and
up-franked by Russian
stamp to registered rate 
Inland registered postage
Used in Ukraine 1993
Pre-franked by
provisional handstamped
labels in Odessa
International rate,
addressed to Germany
SUN19910000 ENV SIA
Order no. 3.132650
Printing date: 23.07.90
Issue date: ???? 1991 |
Back, version A
Evenly centered print
details (4 lines) with sales
price 21 kop. (packs of 10) |
Back, version B
Evenly centered print
details (3 lines) with sales
price 1 kop. (singles) |
Back, version C
Unevenly centered print
details (4 lines) without
sales price |
Used in the Soviet period
Franked with meter
frank, posted from
Moscow 4 September
Inland postage |
Used in Belarus 1992
Franked with a mix
of Soviet stamp,
provisional handstamp,
and a Belarus stamp,
posted from Minsk CPO
Registered letter
addressed to Russia
Used in Estonia 1992
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage |
Used in Kazakhstan 1992
Franked with a (still
valid) Soviet stamp
posted from Taldykorgan
27 March 1992
Inland postage |
Pre-franked for use in
Russia 1992
Provisional postal
stationary, franked with
round post office
handstamp i Moscow
Inland registered postage
from 1 February 1992
Pre-franked for use in
Russia 1992
Provisional postal
stationary, franked with
round post office
handstamp i Moscow
International airmail rate
from 18 February 1992
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, franked by
meter frank (marked
'СССР'), reportedly at the
service PO at the House of
Deputies in Stavropol.
If you know if this was
indeed done by a post office,
please let us
Inland letter, posted
to Zheleznovodsk. We do
not find a corresponding
rate to the franking. Could
it be an NGO-rate? If you
have further information,
please share.
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, franked by a
Moscow post office meter
frank (marked 'СССР').
Inland letter, posted
to Dzerzhinsk. We do
not find a corresponding
rate to the franking. Could
it be an NGO-rate? If you
have further information,
please share.
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope, franked by a
Sverdlovsk meter
frank (marked 'СССР').
Inland registered letter,
posted to St. Petersburg.
We do not find a
corresponding rate to the
franking. Could it be an
NGO-rate? If you have
further information, please
Used in Russia 1993
Provisional pre-franked
envelope franked with
octagonal PO handstamp
in St. Petersburg
International postage,
addressed to Lithuania |
Used in Russia 1994
Provisional pre-franked
envelope machine
franked at PO counter in Rostov
Inland postage |
Franked with Russian
Addressed to Bulgaria
Provisional military pre-
franked envelope
Military concession
Used in Ukraine 1992
Franked with a mixture
of overprinted Soviet
stamps and Ukrainian
Inland postage
Used in Ukraine 1993
Franked with Ukrainian
Inland postage

1991 - Russian Folk Tales |
SUN19910000 ENV 3_101670
Cartoon Cat
Item no. 3.101670
Order no. 1C-15-2250240
Printed 10.04.91
Issued ??? 1991 |
No scan yet, if you have a scan of a mint copy, please send it to us. |
Back |
Used in Ukraine 1994
Franked with meter frank
Inland postage

1985 - Soviet Red Book |
SUN19850000 ENV PAN
Black Panther
Issue date: ???? 1985 |
Back |
Used in the Soviet period
1986 - On postal service
from Kishniev CPO
(currently Chisnau,
Moldova) |
Used in Ukraine 1993 |
SUN19850000 ENV TIG
Siberian Tiger
Issue date: ???? 1985 |
Back |
No scan yet, if you have a scan of a mint copy, please send it to us. |
Used in Soviet period
1986 |
SUN19850000 ENV LEP
Issue date: ???? 1985 |
Back |
Used in Soviet period
1986 on postal service
from Pärnu (currently in
Estonia) |
SUN19850000 ENV SLP
Snow Leopard
Issue date: ???? 1985 |
No scan yet, if you have a scan of a mint copy, please send it to us. |
Back |
Used in Soviet period
1986 franked by meter
frank from Kyiv
(currently in Ukraine) |

1988 - WWF Postal Stationary |
SUN19880000 PSE 0_05 1
Siberian Tiger
Order no. 88121
Printing date: 26.02.88
Issue date: ???? 1988 |
Back |
Used in Lithuania 1992
Demonetised - franked
with Lithuanian stamps.
Inland postage February/
March 1992
Used in Russia 1993
Franked with a mixture
of Russian and (still
valid) Soviet stamps.
Inland postage
1990 - WWF Postal Stationary |
SUN19900000 PSE 0_05 90180
Envelope no. 90180
Printed: 25.07.90
Issued ???? 1990
Back |
Used in Belarus 1993
Demonetised and re-
franked with a Belarus
Inland postage from
1 June 1993.
Uprated for use in Russia
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope uprated by PO
handstamp in St.
Inland postage from
10 June 1992.
1990 - Lions Bridge, Leningrad |
SUN19900000 PSE 0_05 90470
Lion Statues
Lions Bridge in
Leningrad (current St.
PSE no 90470
Printed 17.05.90
Issued ???? 1990
Back |
Used in the Soviet period
Up-franked with stamps
Addressed to the UK
Used in Russia 1992
Provisional pre-stamped
envelope up-franked with
PO handstamp in St. Peters-
Inland postage

1990 - Circus |
Cartoon Cat and Tiger
Printer's no. 1990.3.134880
Printing date: 03.07.90
Issued: ???? 1990 |
Back |
Used in Belarus 1992
With provisional
hand stamps marked
"Поцта СССР" from
Inland postage 30.11.92 -
Used in Belarus 1992
With mix of provisional
hand stamps marked
"Поцта СССР" from
Гродно/Grodno and
(still valid) Soviet stamps
Inland postage 30.11.92 -
Used in Estonia 1992
Franked with Estonian
Inland postage
Used in Russia 2001
Franked with Russian
Inland postage
24 July 1991 - 200th Anniversary of Moscow Zoological Museum
This is the last cat item issued by the USSR before dissolution 26 December 1991, i.e. with a time window of appx. 4 months for Soviet use. |
SUN19911014 PSE 0_07
PSE no 136680
Printed 05.04.91
Issued 14.10.91 |
Back |
Used in the Soviet period
Posted FDC
Up-franked registered
letter from Moscow to
Used in Kazakhstan 1992
Up-franked with (still
valid) Soviet stamps
Addressed to Paraguay,
returned to sender.
Used in Russia 1991
Used as is - Soviet
stamps and stationary still
Used on the first day after
the dissolution of the Soviet
Union, addressed to
1992 - International Space Year
This item was printed and issued after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. As such it will only have been used in the various independent republics. |
SUN19920000 PSE 0_07 92026
Zodiac Leo
Envelope no. 92026
Printed 20.01.92
Back |
Used in Kazakhstan 1992
Used 'as is' - Soviet
stamps and stationary still
Inland postage
Provisional pre-franked
envelope for use in
Kazakhstan 1993 (?)
Re-franked with new
denomination by
Kazakh post
Used in Russia 1992
Up-franked with a mix of
(still valid) Soviet and
Russian stamps
Registered inland letter
Used in Russia 1993
Up-franked with Russian
Addressed to Norway
Used in Ukraine 1992
Provisional pre-franked
envelope, uprated by post
office handstamp
Inland rate
Used in Ukraine 1992
Uprated with both stamp
and post office handstamp
to CIS registered postage
Registered letter to Russia
